About Us

Advocating for the Rights of Hazara Immigrants and Refugees

Support Hazara immigrants and refugees by opposing anti-human rights values. We advocate peacefully to protect their rights in accordance with international immigration laws and the laws of host countries.

Establish connections with institutions and organizations active in social services and human rights to facilitate our overall goals.

Building Partnerships for Human Rights: Connecting with Social Services and Advocacy Organizations
Empowering Immigrant Communities: Our Range of Social Services
Championing Equality: Safeguarding the Rights of Vulnerable Refugees and Immigrants

Provide social services, including health care, education, entrepreneurship support, sports team sponsorship, counseling, and capacity-building for immigrant families.

Defend the human rights of refugees and immigrants, focusing on vulnerable groups such as women, youth, children, the disabled, and the elderly.

RespectRaising Awareness: Shedding Light on the Struggles of Immigrants

Highlight the challenges faced by immigrants to international institutions and human rights organizations.

Women and Minorities protection organization is a non-profit and humanitarian organization dedicated to takes decisive action to help women and minorities impacted by emergencies and crises – regardless of gender, minority status, race, creed or nationality, free from human suffering for a better future.

We Strive for inclusive environments and build resilient communities

Our mission is to champion the rights of women and minorities by providing comprehensive support, advocacy, health, education and emergencies services. We constantly search for more effective solution to build safe and inclusive environments where every individual can thrive for their advancement and prosperous. Through our efforts, we aim to dismantle systemic barriers, promote social justice, and empower communities to achieve lasting change.